Turn Off the Brakes! Making the Most of Female Responsive Desire
Sexuality, Women’s Issues, Relationship Issues, and Tips for Couples In her landmark book, Come As You Are, Emily Nagoski describes the central sexual response mechanism in the brains of men and women. There is a sexual excitation system (SES) or “accelerator” that...
Humor and Sexual Selection
“Women tend to prefer men who make them laugh, whereas men prefer women who laugh at their jokes.” * In my last post about Tiger Woods, I examined the role of storytelling, art, music, dance, athleticism, and humor in sexual selection. Women select for those traits in...
“Men Do Everything To Get Laid” — Tiger Woods and Sexual Selection
Male status aspirations and power displays are a result of their adaptive success in attracting women. I recently watched the HBO documentary on Tiger Woods. I found it captivating. The return and redemption of Tiger Woods is a modern-day hero’s journey with unique...
Why Do Men ‘Go Down’ On Women?
Most men love to go down on women to whom they are attracted because the female vulva inspires their desire—their lust. Female genitalia are attractive to most heterosexual men. Very few things in nature can attract and captivate a man more than a woman’s labia and...
Evolutionary Science and Our Political Divide: The Root of It – Part 1
Male competition for mates and sex differences are first cause in human political affairs. Since the advent of agriculture in human societies, nearly all impulses for male power and authoritarianism, and expressions of male dominance in a social hierarchy, have...
Long-term and Short-term Mating Strategies: Domain #2 of Male-Female Difference
“…to an extraordinary degree, the predilections of the investing sex —females, determine the direction in which the species will evolve. For it is the female who is the ultimate arbiter of when she mates and how often and with whom.” ~Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, The Women...
Dynamics in the Mating Economy: Domain #1 of Male-Female Difference
“There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among them is the Mercedes-Benz SL500.” ~ Lynn Lavner Twenty-two Domains of Difference (See list in Appendix) This is first in a series of posts that will explain the...
Male-Female Differences in Sexual Psychology and Response
Over the millennia, men and women have evolved with different objectives and strategies of sexual psychology and response – strategies related to choosing a mate, reproduction, and parental investment. For the next several months, this blog space will address...
Spontaneous and Response Desire – the Underbelly of Heterosexual Mating
John met Sarah at a happy-hour event. She was surrounded by a group of men, but John got some eye contact from her and shared a quick introduction and small talk. It was apparent she was not “with” any of these men, although each one was interested in her. ...
Is Your Sexual Foot on the Accelerator or Brake?
Men and women are different. Their “sexual engine” makes different use of the accelerator and brake. Author, sex researcher, and professor of women’s sexuality, Emily Nagoski, calls this the “dual control model” (Come As You Are, 2015). This model explains aspects of...