Gender Politics
Problems and Conditions of Boys and Men – Part 2.1
Boys and men are struggling in the U.S. and across the globe. Here are the first six problems and conditions for boys and men identified by Richard Reeves in his book, Of Boys and Men – Why The Modern Male is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What To Do About It . 1....
Of Boys and Men – Revisitation of a Crisis in Six Parts
What is needed is a positive vision of masculinity that is compatible with gender equality. We need a prosocial masculinity for a postfeminist world. ~ Richard Reeves*, Of Boys and Men We don’t have to be androgynous to be equal. ~ Richard Reeves on Real Time with...
Why Am I Interested in Heterosexual Sex and Heterosexual Relationships?
“All human life stems from the reality of, and difference between, men and women.” ~ Nina Power, What Do Men Want?, 2022 In “How Should Feminists Have Sex Now?,” a recent article in the Atlantic magazine, it struck me that this question, in one form or another, is at...
Not Just Listening – “A Little Big-Dick Energy”
According to internet memes and posts by women, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the sexiest man of 2022. Why is that? Comedian and television personality Bill Maher gives an explanation during the “new rules” segment of Real Time on March 25. (See link below.) Maher’s critique...
Female Sexual Fluidity: Power of Context and the Future of Heterosexual Partnerships
“Power comes to women who bring gay expectations to their heterosexual couplings.” ~ Jennifer Baumgardner Mutually satisfying romance, love, and sexuality are teetering on the edge of failure in the modern heterosexual mating economy. Women are turning away...
Mate Value of High-Income Men: Seeking Arrangements and the Erotic-Economic Bargain
"You can lose a lot of money chasing women, but you will never loose women by chasing money." ~ Chris Rock -- I Think I Love My Wife Evolution and Behavior published (September 2021) a recent study by Rosemary Hopcroft 1 that confirms that...
First Principle: Acknowledge Male-Female Differences
As I prepare to address issues of sexual orientation and fluidity (see Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Presentation, and Biological Sex), it seems appropriate if not necessary to review “first principles” related to my mission and central message, including:...
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Presentation, and Biological Sex
“Everyone under 25 thinks they are queer.” ~ The Bisexual (Hulu) Mating Straight Talk (MST) attempts to scientifically demonstrate the evolved behavioral sex differences between men and women and explain human mate selection; it does so because heterosexual...
Want An Equal Marriage? Then Date As Equals
Based on “If You Want a Marriage of Equals, Then Date As Equals,” by Ellen Lamont in The Atlantic, February 14, 2020.“I know it feels counterintuitive…..I’m a feminist,” the first woman said. “But I like to have a guy be chivalrous.” Heterosexual women with...
Political Divide Part 5: The Challenge of E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many, One”
A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic. ~ James Russell Lowell (1819-1891) In This Post (Strands of Rope) Jonathan Haidt’s constructive criticism of Democrats Challenges and miracle of e pluribus unum – “out of many, one” Problems with “defund the...