Steven’s Blog
Mate Switching Hypothesis
Revisiting Female Short-term Mating Strategy & InfidelityWhy do women cheat on their partners? A long-standing hypothesis in evolutionary psychology asserted that women seek extra-pair copulations (infidelity) in order to secure resources from...
Let’s Teach Girls, Too
In their op-ed in the Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman, co-writers Dan McCormick, assistant professor of Social Work, and Kris Sloan, associate professor of Education at St. Edward University, encouraged parents to talk to...
Why More Men Than Women Die of COVID-19
“There are profound sex differences in immune systems and this pandemic is revealing them.” Marcia Stefanick, Stanford University School of Medicine. More men than women have died of the COVID-19 virus. In China, Italy, South Korea, Germany,...
Can We Be Honest About Women?
In 2017, David French of the National Review wrote an article stating that men enter high-status professions and achieve wealth in part, or even primarily, to gain access to beautiful women. D.C. McAllister responded to French with her own...